It's all about our kids - EST 1928 : Grades Pre R to 7
How long is the school day?
The day starts at 08h00 and ends at 13h20 for Grade 1 and 2. Grade 1 and 2 sport starts at 13h30 until 14h30 (when the older children finish school). Grade 3 – 7 sport takes place after school, from 14h30 onwards.
How early can I drop my child at school?
Early morning care runs from 07h15 until the bell rings for Grade 1’s in our Grade 1 meet and greet garden. The older grades have free play time and staff monitor this on the fields before school. The school day starts at 08h00.
What subjects are taught?
We follow a timetable which covers English, Maths, Life Skills, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Children also participate in computer lessons, domestic skills, keyboards, music appreciation, library, Maths hub, phys ed, community singing and assemblies.
Are your classrooms fitted with technology?
All classes have interactive whiteboards/projectors. Classes also have weekly time slots in our Tech Lit room (combination of Computers & Library). There is also a bank of Chromebooks which may be booked.
How many children in each class?
We aim to keep each class to 30 with an assistant teacher in each grade.
Will my child get a place in Gr 1 if they haven’t been at the Gr at FHPS?
There are a limited number of places available for children from within the catchment area who attend a registered pre-school. Priority is given to those who attend Gr R at our school.